Annual Report 2017 - 2018
Quinborne Community Association
Registered Company No 7372879
Annual Report 2017 -18
Report and Accounts 1st April 2017 – 31st March 2018 – Approved
Approved by the Board of Directors on 19th September 2018
The organisation is a charitable company limited by guarantee established under Memorandum of Association to provide facilities for the benefit ofthe inhabitants of the Harborne / Quinton neighbourhood.
The Board of Directors are responsible for the key strategic and management issues of the Centre with the day to day activities undertaken by the Staff.
We have had a very successful year, thanks to the support of the Directors, Management and Staff, City Council, helpers and supporters and charitable trusts who have funded some of our projects and work.
During the year we have we have concentrated on our core activities of supporting the needs of our community, particularly in the areas of the elderly and the youth.
The Luncheon Club continues to be very successful by providing a much needed service to the community and helping defeat loneliness. The recent introduction of a drop-in café and memory café is also starting to grow and give the added element of supporting and bringing together carers to interact and support each other.
The groups and adult education continue to thrive.
Coventry Building Society are now established community partners and work with us regulary for the benefit of the community.
Happy Corners Nursery continues to go from strength to strength and after a restructure in the summer are looking at having another succesful year.
In the coming year, we will continue to reach out further into to the community and identify and meet their needs.
Over the next 12 months we will also be looking at increasing our youth activities and extending the amount of work we do with them as we feel it is very important that Quinborne has a presence with the youth of the area. We will do this by engaging with them through their schools and through our website and social media links.
We have identified that additional core funding will be needed to cover the overhaul and develop the Youth provision within the community centre.
We operate a very tight control on our expenditure and look for positive ways to boost income by increased use of the facilities, use of the technology suite by local business, move towards generating funding through Social Enterprise and Business support, and working closely with the community and groups to increase funding.
The centre will continue to grow and be successful with the hard work and commitment of the Directors, Management and Staff and all our supporters.
The financial year ending 31st March 2018 showedan income of £225,019.00 with a surplus of £2,367.00
The main areas of income were:
Room Hire - £108,207 – 48%
Grants - £58,174 – 26%
Activities - £58,638 – 26%
The main areas of expenditure were:
Employee Costs - £101,507 – 46%
Admin/Premises - £88,393 – 40%
Direct Purchases - £32,752 – 14%
The Directors would like to thank the staff for their hard work throughout the year and all our volunteers and suppliers for all their effort
We would also like to say thank you to to all our supporters and numerous charitable trusts for their support.
Joan Hatfield Paul Hatfield
President President