National Lottery Subsidised Classes

We have an exciting announcement regarding Quinborne, The National lottery and the next 5 years.
We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded funding through The National Lottery Community Fund to run subsidised classes at Quinborne for the next 5 years.
What this means for you is you will be able to attend both social and educational classes at a heavily reduced rate, the best thing is that any materials that you may need will be provided at no extra cost.
No class will cost more than £5.00 and there will be no limit as to how many you can join.
There will be both daytime and evening classes running, and all sessions will include a drink at no additional cost.
Classes will include but are not limited to; I.T training, Sewing & Knitting Classes, Art Classes, Bowls, ESOL, Table Tennis, Meditation & Pilates, Movie & Book Clubs.
We will also be running Back to Work and Advice Sessions, in conjunction with local businesses.
If there is a particular course, group or class that you would like to see run please come in and see us as it might be something that we can incorporate into our program.
We want these groups to be as inclusive as possible and available to the whole of the community so if your interested in attending, running or helping please contact us at the centre and we’ll be help you.

Do you want to learn to sew. knit or paint?
Due to the funding we have received through The National Lottery these are just a few of the courses we currently offer at a greatly subsidised rate.
Both the sewing & knitting groups have a very established core membership who are always open to receiving new members and helping them grow in their chosen designs.
The art groups in headed up by Kevin Ryan, an art teacher who has been with the Quinborne for over 10 years and has a great record of not only helping you hone your own skills but of also help you develop new ones.
"Darts, Bowls, Movies And So Much More."
Following on from last year we will continue to run a series of social classes that are based on some of our favourite pastimes.
Darts as we're sure you are all aware is currently one of the most watched sports in the UK and is selling out arenas all around the country.
Bowls has always been a favourite pastime and is currently one of our most popular groups.
And finally, who doesn't like a trip out to watch the latest blockbuster or Oscar contender?

Quinborne Community Centre, Ridgacre Road, Quinton, Birminghamm B32 2tw
0121 682 - 7474