Quinborne Questionaire

As we strive to provide more services, we would really like to input from you, our users, as to what you would like to see at the Quinborne.

If you could take the time to fill out our short survey it would be really appreciated, and we look forward to adding more of what you want in the future.

National Lottery Community Fund Questionnaire
  • Have you ever visited Quinborne or used any of its facilities?:
  • Do you know what activities / facilities are available at the centre?:
  • What facilities do you use at Quinborne?:
  • What activities are you / would you be interested in?:
  • Would cost be an issue in attending classes?:
  • If cost is an issue, how mush would you be prepared to pay?:
  • Is transport to the centre and issue?:
  • Would you access the centre and its facilities if transport could be arranged for you?:
  • Age Group:
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